- A WEEK METHOD (My personal choice that works in more cases for me)
First, second and third day put A hamster in ball and put it it B hamster's cage (do this when both hamsters are awake). Leave ball in cage for about 10 minutes, making sure there is no way hamsters can hurt each other. After returning A hamster to it's cage, put B hamster in ball and place it in A hamster's cage for 10 minutes.
Fourth, fifth and sixth day put A hamster in a ball and leave it in it's cage and release B hamster in A hamster's cage. Repeat this process vice versa.
Seventh day clean the cage (wash all plastic stuff and cage with 1:1 mixture of vinegar and water and change all bedding). Release hamsters to the cage at the same time.
- AN "OPEN" AREA METHOD (Didn't work out for Bella and Peanut)
Ensure big enough "open" area (a.k.a. play pen) for your hamsters and make sure both get used to it.
Put a lot of toys (new toys that neither of hamsters used before) and some treats in to keep hamsters occupied and not letting them have much time to hurt one each other.
Release both hamsters to the area at the same time.
Put a lot of toys (new toys that neither of hamsters used before) and some treats in to keep hamsters occupied and not letting them have much time to hurt one each other.
Release both hamsters to the area at the same time.