Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to chose the type that suits you the most?

Hey hamster lovers. This is the post for evryone planning on getting a hamster. I had this problem while I was buying my hamsters and I belive many people out there are having it as well.
If you are looking for hamster that will be a good companion, but mostly loner, you should get Syrian. Syrian hamsters, also known as "golden" or "teddy bear" hamsters, are good for people who are looking for a hamster more as commintment then a pet. I know this sounds harsh, but it is reallity. Syrians are more loners and would not like you to handle them. Taming them is also harder than with Russian Dwarfs. Anyway, I like Syrians because they are unique and being solitary animals makes them good as one owner's pet.
If you want hamster that will be cute and easy to tame and handle; Winter White should be your choise. I do not own any Winter White but saw them in pets stores and they seems not to be asocial at all. In fact, they can even live together in small colonies (up to 5 hamsters, but they will need a big habitat and remember, one male per colony if it is mixed gender group). They are holding friendly and would like to give them attention. Only fact that I do not like about Winter Whites is that they come in only three colours: agouti, pearl and saphire. Mutations between colours are posible, but it is most likely that hamster with other colour is not pure Winter White, but partly Campbell hybrid. Winter Whites are non-biters and are great for hamster begginers.
If you want a hamster that has cuteness of Winter White and almost as strong temperament as Syrians; get Russian Campbell's Dwarf. Campbell's are as cute and small as Winter Whites, but if not tamed appropriately, they could become little monstrums. However, if tamed in a good way, they become really good and peacefull pets. The good fact about Campbell's is that they come in like fifteen different colour varietis. Some people recommand having Campbell's in groups, but from my experiance it didn't work out well. Maybe because FiFi and Bella aren't from the same litter. So I recommand not having more then one Campbell's per cage if they aren't put there while they still being young. I also recommand not having different sex hamsters in same cage if you do not want pups. Campbell's, as well and Winter Whites, are like baby popping out machines.
If you are looking for watch but no tuch hamster, get Roborovki, also known as Robo. So Robos are really samll, smaller then other two dwarfs. They have like tons of energy and are really funny to watch. But problem with Robos is when it gets to taming. Robos are likely Syrians, just smaller. They are also know as common biters. But they are redeciously cute and amusing to watch. If you really work hard on your Robo, it could turn out peaceful, but remember it is still kind of wild by nature. Do not try to change it, just learn how to live with that.
There are aslo few tipes of crossbreeds. Moat popular is Pudding hamster. Pudding hamsters are Winter White-Campbell's hybrid, and is strongly reccoamnded not to try getting  them at homes. They have colouring of Campbell's but natural friendly soul of Winter White.  They are really pretty with unique orangle-yellow colour, but are extremly rare. I do not even know do they sell them in pet stores. Getting Pudding hamster requires a lot of knowledge and experiance about breeding and hamsters in general. You do not want your hamster die because you tried to get Pudding hamsters. Sadly, in most cases it will happend. No matter is mother Campbell's or Winter White, she could have complicatons because of too big fetuses and die. And no one guaranties you will get Pudding pup. I mean, is it worth of it?
I hope this article actually helped someone. If any aditional questions, feel free to contact me via comments or mail (you can find it on my official).
Have a nice weekend,

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